Coming Soon to Boostr: “View Offending PB or Flow” link in Lightning

In BOOSTR: VIEW FLOW OR PROCESS BUILDER CAUSING ERROR, the “View Offending Process Builder or Flow” link works in Salesforce Classic BUT not in Lightning Experience (LEX).

I implemented the Boostr code so now it will. A future release, coming soon, will have this functionality.

Technical Bits

This Boostr Pull Request shows how it’s implemented in Javascript.

High-level Algorithm

  1. If in Lightning Experience, add a mutation observer that reports whenever a DOM element is added or removed on the page.
  2. When the DOM changes, is the Flow Error text added?
  3. If yes, create the “View Offending Process Builder or Flow” link and append it to that error message node.

Why It Didn’t Work in Classic?

The reason is the way that Boostr for Salesforce works. When a Salesforce page is opened, it inspects which page is opened and adds the page specific features to it. For example, when the generic flow error is opened, it adds the View… link. It doesn’t look for changes to the page.

In Lightning, since it’s a Single Page Application (SPA), the page is loaded and then dynamically generated via Javascript. A new page isn’t opened when you click different links and buttons. You’re still on the same page but its contents change as different actions are performed. Since the generic flow error page is never loaded, that’s why the link never showed.

Have a feature you’d like to have in Boostr? Submit a feature request issue in GitHub and a contributor may implement it. Or you can implement it yourself by following the Contribution instructions.