In 2011, my soon to be wife, Amanda, wanted a new Apple computer. Her 2002 desktop still worked but was becoming slow and new software would not run on it because of its old pre-Intel chipset. Apple devices are great but you pay a hefty premium to purchase them.
While discussing the matter with a colleague one day, he mentioned I should enter the Salesforce Cookbook Recipe Contest. First place: a new MacBook Air.
Salesforce Cookbooks are short articles that describe how to accomplish various platform functionality. The contest was open during December 2011. One could submit multiple recipes. Over the holidays, the Calling Salesforce Web Services Using Apex, one of the most popular recipes 5 years later, and Automated Unit Test Execution recipes were submitted. On a Friday in January, Salesforce told me that I had won with my Automated Unit Test Execution recipe. Three days later, the laptop was Amandas and Salesforce announced the winner.
Amanda has used it daily every since. Share knowledge and the wife gets a MacBook Air. Win-Win.
What do you think of the recipes? Do you have any favorites?